Our logo consists of three focal points:
a cross, four human icons, and a broken circle.
These represent five areas of ministry for the Brewster Road Community Church family.
The cross, as you may notice, stands in the middle of this piece of art, indicative of how significant and binding the sacrificial death of Christ is to our faith. It is at the cross where the burden of sin is rolled away from all who believe.
The four human icons represent members of our faith family. With their hands they are waving branches, praising God, and ministering to the needs of those around them. Celebrating our relationship with God through worship is the centerpiece of our community tapestry. We are one big family In Christ.
The broken circle is a symbol of the broken world in which we live. As servants of the living God and followers of Jesus Christ, we have been called to extend healing to this broken world. This healing happens through the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Not only does it take place in the broken individual but also in broken relationships.