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Sea Bay

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:19

Core Values

  • Worship

  • Evangelism

  • Missions

  • Discipleship

  • Administration

  • Sacrifice

If we are to effectively fulfill the command to make disciples of all nations then there are certain values to which we must commit.

Worship, Evangelism, Missions, Discipleship, Administration, and Sacrifice are at the core of all ministries within our faith family.  

Please visit our Ministries page for more information on each of these areas

WORSHIP As followers of Jesus, we crave genuine intimacy with the One who gave His all for our redemption. We desire authentic worshiip that is focused on the risen Christ. At Brewster Road Community Church, we offer shameless praise to honor our Lord publicly. We pray intentionally for the healing of our bodies, minds, and spirits. Also, we preach/teach the Bile uncompromisingly. Worship is what sustains our faith community from week to week.

EVANGELISM & MISSIONS Our ultimate purpose for existing as followers of Jesus is to introduce others to Him and to invite them to join us in worship. It is our responsibility to share the message of Christ with people everywhere on the planet. Our Evangelism and Missions Ministry is the swinging door through which people enter the family of God and go out into the harvest field for service. A person's active engagement in soul winning will distinguish him or her s a faithful member of Brewster Road Community Church. We are "fishers of men".

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